How to prevent Corona Virus?

How to prevent Corona Virus?

The number of white blood cells in our body increases by doing yoga regularly. Due to this, the resistance to disease increases in our body. When our body's immune system becomes very strong, then no virus or germ can infect us. The immune system, fighting the diseases in our body, ends it automatically. In this way we can win the battle with Corona just by yoga. Along with this, blood pressure, tension, diabetes, heart disease etc. can be avoided through five asanas. Corona virus infections are mostly a threat to those people who suffer from the above mentioned diseases. It does not take long to do these asanas. I'm sure you can fit 10 minutes in your busy schedule.

Take care of your diet

It is best to have pure and fresh food. It is okay to avoid meat if you have to. Soy can be taken as an alternative. There is nothing better than veggies in the Indian food culture. You can have foods rich in Vitamin-C like lemon, orange, amla, etc.

How does Yoga help in boosting the Immune System?

Yoga and the immune system are closely interlinked. For example, to do any work properly, it requires balance and stability. The same applies to the immune system of our body. Whenever there is imbalance and instability in the body, the immune system of our body starts getting affected.
Yoga provides positive energy to the body which helps in reducing the stress level and improving the condition of the body. Stress is the main reason for weakening the immune system of our body.
There are many Yoga asanas that help us strengthen the body and improve the immune system. If they are practiced regularly, it can help improve our immunity and thus our health.

Yoga Asanas for a strong Immune System

1. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

How to prevent Corona Virus?

Vriksasana is also called tree posture because it shows the stability and balance of a tree. Vriksasana is considered a very simple asana of Hatha Yoga. It should be practiced at dawn with an empty stomach and fresh mind.

But if for some reason you cannot practice it in the morning, then you can do it during the office lunch break or even before dinner. In this asana you have to balance yourself and practice this asana by taking deep breaths, on each leg.


  • Strengthens the spine.
  • Increases contact between nerves and muscles.
  • Mantle enhances stability.
  • Increases thinking power.
  • Gives good stretching to the entire body.
  • Stamina enhances and empowers focusing.
  • Helps build confidence.
  • Helps to relieve nervous system.

2. Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

How to prevent Corona Virus?

Padangusthasana is considered an important posture of yoga science. It helps in stretching many muscles of the body simultaneously. These include the muscles behind your legs, the spine and neck muscles.
Padangusthasana is an asana of hatha yoga. It can be practiced every morning on an empty stomach for 30 seconds. If you cannot do this asana in the morning, then it can be practiced 2-3 hours before dinner.


  • Calms the mind.
  • Eliminates stress and anxiety.
  • Helps to improve digestive system.
  • Increases blood circulation in liver and kidney.
  • Helps the body regain lost energy.
  • Relaxes the central nervous system.
  • Helps to overcome insomnia.

3. Trikonasana/Triangle Pose

How to prevent Corona Virus?

Trikonasana is also called Triangle Asana. This posture got its name because of its triangle-like shape. It is one of the best asana to boost the immune system. This asana should be practiced for 30 seconds or 5 to 10 deep breaths.
Trikonasana should be practiced in the morning on an empty stomach. But if you cannot do Trikonasana in the morning for any reason, you can practice this asana at least 2-3 hours after eating.


  • Improves blood circulation in the body.
  • Improves digestive system.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Improves ability to concentrate.
  • Helps in balancing the body.
  • Calms the mind.
  • Helps in dealing with stress.

4. Utkatasana/Chair Pose

How to prevent Corona Virus?

Utkatasana is also called chair pose. There is no difficulty in performing this asana. One has to sit just like a chair, but there is no chair. The body has to bend like a chair. This is the biggest challenge of this posture. Utkatasana can be practiced for 30 to 60 seconds or up to 5-10 deep breaths.


  • Improves strength, energy and balance in the body.
  • Stimulates the heart.
  • Keeps the organs healthy.
  • Activates the entire body simultaneously.

5. Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose

How to prevent Corona Virus?

Bhujangasana is also known as Sarpanasana. Bhujangasana is part of Surya Namaskar posture. Bhujangasana is considered a basic level asana in Ashtanga yoga. It can be practiced for 15–30 seconds or 5–10 long breaths.


  • Bhujangasana stimulates the digestive system. 
  • Increases blood circulation in the body.
  • Blockages of the heart and lungs are opened.
  • Helps to get rid of stress.
  • Increases flexibility in the spine.
  • The mood improves.
  • Energy increases from the core of the body.


These yoga asanas help to improve your immune system. This help can be both direct and indirect. With the help of a healthy immune system, not only do you stay away from diseases but also stay healthy and happy.


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