Side effects of gym!

Side effects of gym

What are the side effects of gymming? Well! There is none as long as you are doing it right. There are lots of myths about weight training. For example, some (not so)wise people say "You will have to face a lot of bone problem in the future if you do weight training". But, as a matter of fact weight training actually increases your bone density thus increasing your bone strength. Click here to know more about the advantages of weight training.

Now there can be certain exceptional cases. For instance, there are people we know who usually tends to over-do things. And as the famous saying goes "Anything of too much is bad", so is over-training. Many people are so fond of working out that in the excitement, they do a lot of exercise and they start affecting their body. Also you need to keep in mind the importance of maintaining a balanced diet. Click here to know more.

Therefore, you need to know how much workout to do and whether you are over-training the body. So let's know about the signs that will show that you are over-training your body.

1. Increased Heart Rate

Side effects of gym

If your heart is beating faster than normal, it means that you have trained too hard and your body has not yet been recovered from the last workout. If you wake up in the morning after workouts at night, and if your heart beat remains faster than normal, then you should reduce the intensity of your workouts from that day itself. If possible, consult a doctor.

2. Weakening of the Immune System.

Side effects of gym

By doing too intense workouts, your energy is reduced drastically, which weakens your immune system and it is not able to fight many diseases and you may suffer from several health problems. But, if done in a proper manner it makes your immune system as strong as your muscles. So, to avoid this, keep your workout session at a medium level.

3. Lack of Sleep

Side effects of gym

If you are facing problems like restlessness and sleeplessness at night, it means that you are giving too much load on your body. This happens mostly when you do heavy workouts until late at night. The reason behind this is that your body releases adrenaline hormones during workouts that stays in your body for several hour. This makes it difficult to sleep at night.
Thus, it is advisable to do your workout in the morning as it will not only keep you active throughout the day but it will also help you sleep better which is very important. A normal human being needs atleast 7-8 hour of sleep.

4. Severe Pain in Bones

Side effects of gym

If you experience a sudden sharp pain in any part of your body or joints, then you should consider it as an alarm bell for you to be more careful and focused during workout sessions. You may face this problem after a heavy cardio session or an intense weight training. Excess training can also cause fracture or crack in the leg bones.
Therefore, you will need to reduce your workout session somewhat and pay more attention during workouts so as to avoid over training. And it is advisable to consult a doctor if, god forbid, such a situation arise.

5. Severe Muscle Pain

Side effects of gym

If you are experiencing too much pain in the muscles, that is more than normal, then it can also be a sign of over training. If you workout regularly, you will experience pain in your muscles. But if you have more pain, like if it last more than 72 hours then you might have over trained your body. 
You might consider getting a deep tissue massage in this case or consult a doctor.


If you are facing any of these side effects, then understand that you too are over training your body in the gym. Experts recommend that only 45 minutes of workout and 15 minutes of warm-up and stretching in the gym is sufficient. If you are in the Fat Loss stage, you can also do 30 minutes of slow cardio. Be sure to consult your fitness trainer for more information. 

NOTE: If you are eating right and your body gets all the required nutrition, then your chances of over training is reduced by 80%.


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