Top 5 Yoga Asanas

Top 5 Yoga Asanas

What is Yoga?

To know what yoga is, we have to start from its core. The word yoga originates from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’, which means 'to connect'. There are basically two meanings of yoga, first- joining and second- samadhi. Unless and until we can connect with ourselves, it is difficult to attain the level of samadhi. It is not just exercise, but science based physical activity. In this, the brain, body and soul meet each other. At the same time there is a harmony between human and nature. It is a way of living life properly. Basically, Yoga is a practice which includes asanas, meditation, kriyas, etc.
Asana is that state of the body in which you can keep your body and mind calm and stable. According to the tradition of Yoga Shastras, there are eighty-four million postures and all these are based on the names of animals. Currently thirty-two asanas are famous.
Asanas are divided into two groups: -

  • Dynamic Asana- Asanas which are practiced with the body in motion.
  • Steady Asana- Asanas which are practiced with little or no motion.

Top 10 Yoga Asanas

1. Vajrasana

Most yoga asanas are done on an empty stomach, but Vajrasana is different than other asanas. You can do this even after eating food. Rather, doing Vajrasana after eating food is considered very good for the digestive system.
Top 5 Yoga Asanas

How to Do?

  • First sit on your knees. During this, join the fingers of both the feet together and keep the ankles apart.
  • Now rest your buttocks on the ankles.
  • Now place the palms on the knees. During this, keep your back and head straight.
  • Keep both knees together. Now close your eyes and keep breathing normally. 
  • Try to sit in this state for 5-10 minutes.


  • If you have a problem with your knees or have recently had knee surgery, avoid doing this asana.
  • Pregnant women should do this asana by keeping a slight gap in their knees, so that there is no pressure on the stomach.
  • If you have any problem in the spine, then avoid doing this asana. Especially, if there is any problem in the joint of your spine, do not perform Vajrasana.
  • Those who are suffering from hernia, intestinal ulcers or have any problem in their intestines, perform this asana under the supervision of an instructor.


  • Regularly performing Vajrasana keeps your digestion well and eliminates constipation.
  • Better digestion prevents acidity and ulcer problems.
  • This asana strengthens the back and relieves the problem of lower back and sciatica.
  • It also strengthens the pelvic muscles.
  • It helps in reducing labor pain and also reduces menstrual cramps.

2. Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana is a Sanskrit word consisting of two words. The first word "go" means "cow" and the second word "mukh" means "mouth". This asana means the mouth of a cow. It is therefore also known as Cow Face Pose.
Top 5 Yoga Asanas

How to Do?

  • To perform this asana, sit in an open ventilated position in the Sukhasana or cross-legged posture. After this, pull your left leg towards your body and bring it to you. 
  • After that, place your right foot on the thighs of the left leg and pull it to your body.
  • Now put your right hand above the shoulder and take it as much as you can behind your back by folding your arms the from the elbow.
  • Now bend your left hand from the elbow and take it from the side of the stomach to the back.
  • Now try pulling your hands so that you can hold your hands behind your back. Now stay in this posture for some time and breathe 10-12 times. 


  • It is particularly beneficial in testicle growth and bowel growth.
  • If you are troubled by the pain of hips then practice this asana.
  • It is considered a very useful yoga practice for piles.
  • With its regular practice, you can get relief from the troubles of back pain.
  • It plays an important role in keeping your liver and kidneys healthy.


  • If you are a pregnant woman, do not do this asana in the first three months.
  • Do not force if there is difficulty in holding the hand behind the back.
  • If you are suffering from extreme back pain, then you must consult the doctor before performing this asana.

3. Halasana

Halasana is made up of two words, plow and posture. Plow is an agricultural tool used for plowing the ground. Performing this asana, the shape of the body appears like a plow, hence it is named Halasana. It is also known as 'Plow Pose'.
Top 5 Yoga Asanas

How to Do?

  • Lie down on your mat directly on your back. Keep your hands close to the body. The direction of the palms will be towards the ground.
  • Now breathe in and raise the legs up to 90 degrees. If there is difficulty in lifting the legs, then you can support the waist with hands.
  • Now, keeping the legs straight while exhaling, slowly move them from the top of your head to the back.
  • Then try to touch the ground with the toes. Now remove the hands from the waist and keep it straight on the ground.
  • Try to remain in this posture as much as possible and keep breathing at normal speed. 
  • Now while breathing, slowly come back to the initial state.


  • It helps improve digestion.
  • It increases spinal flexibility and gives relief in back pain.
  • The practice of this asana brings mental peace.
  • It also benefits in back pain, impotence, sinusitis, insomnia and headache.


  • Avoid this asana if there is diarrhea or menstruation.
  • If there is a neck injury, do not do halasana.
  • Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
  • Those who have high BP or asthma, should practice Halasana only in the presence of a yoga expert.

4. Tadasana

Tadasana is derived from the Sanskrit word "tad" meaning mountain and asana. Tadasana is considered to be the foundation of standing yoga asanas. This is because while doing this yoga, the body remains straight and stable like a mountain.

How to Do?

  • Stand on the yoga mat by straightening the legs and waist. During this, keep the ankles in sync with each other.
  • In the next step, raise the palms by holding them together. The direction of the palms should be towards the sky.
  • Now, pull the body upwards while standing on your toes as you breathe in slowly.
  • When the body is completely stretched, try to hold the posture for a while. Also keep breathing normally.
  • Then release the breath slowly and come to the initial state. Repeat this entire process about 8 to 10 times.

Top 5 Yoga AsanasBenefits

  • Tadasana can help control type 2 diabetes. 
  • This asana can help regulate glucose in the blood and maintain insulin levels.
  • Tadasana can make the spine positively flexible and help maintain the balance of the body.
  • It stimulates the nervous system.
  • It aslo regulates the menstrual cycle in women.


  • If you have low blood pressure then avoid doing tadasana.
  • If you have headache, avoid this asana.
  • Also, if you are insomniac then don't do this asana.

5. Sirsasana

Sirsasana is made up of two Sanskrit words, the head and the posture. This posture has been considered the most difficult. This is probably the reason why it is placed on top of all the asanas. It is also called headstand. While doing this asana, the body is in a completely opposite position i.e. an attempt is made to stand on the head.
Top 5 Yoga Asanas

How to Do?

  • To perform the headstand, first of all, spread the mat and get into the state of Vajrasana.
  • Then, interlocking the fingers of both hands, bend forward and place the hands on the ground.
  • Now bend the head and keep it in the middle of the hands and keep it close to the ground.
  • Then raise the legs slowly and straighten it. In this case, the head should be completely straight.
  • Remain in this posture for a few seconds and keep breathing at normal speed.
  • Then, while exhaling, lower the legs and slowly return to normal position.
  • Initially, do this asana for two to three times.


  • The headstand helps to calm the body and mind thus relieving stress.
  • Doing headstand improves the flow of blood in the body, the effect of which can also be seen on the digestive system. 
  • Practicing this asana the condition of asthma can be improved.
  • It helps in overcoming the infertility problems of both men and women.
  • It helps prevent depression.


  • If you have pain in the shoulders, back, head or neck, avoid doing this asana.
  • People with high blood pressure, heart failure and berry aneurysm (problems associated with the nerves of the brain) and people above 50 years of age should not do this asana.
  • Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
Note: If you are doing yoga for the first time, do it under the supervision of the instructor. According to your age, illness and ability, it will tell you the appropriate yoga asana. There are many diseases in which some yoga postures are forbidden, so it is better that you do it under the supervision of a yoga trainer.


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