5 simple tips to increase lean muscle mass

5 simple tips to increase lean muscle mass

Many people sweat and work hard in the gym for hours to give the right shape to their body, get a fit body and build muscles. At the same time, many people work hard to increase muscle mass, as well as they take many unnecessary supplements to make muscles.
One thing should be clear to all. You cannot expect the nutrition from your supplements to replace your natural food's nutrition. So make no mistake, supplements can only supplement the nutrition you get from your natural food. Refer to my article on Top 10 foods to build muscle for more information on a perfect diet.

1. Increase calorie intake but eat healthy and clean

Remember! You do not get a license for junk food in the bulking stage of the body. A clean and healthy diet is as important during the cutting stage as it is in the bulking stage. So you must keep in mind that when you are in the bulking stage, you have to include protein, low glycemic carbs and healthy fat in your diet.

2. Plan to eat carbs before or after a workout

While bulking, you will need to pay maximum attention to carbs intake. An overdose of carbs causes an insulin spike that increases the chance of fattening your body, but it is also wrong to completely eliminate carbs from your diet.
If you have a busy schedule but you are not so active, then the best thing is to take your carb before or after your workout. Pre-workouts and post-workouts have to be taken at the exact time when your body needs an insulin spike and glycogen replenishment.
Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice and whole grains are excellent sources of carbohydrate.

3. Dietary fat does not make you fat, but it gives healthy calories

It is important to know that you will not become fat by eating healthy fats. Fat has 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein have 4-5 calories per gram.
These are the calories that help to increase your muscle mass. If you want to gain weight, you can get fat from sources such as nuts, avocado, whipped butter and eggs.

4. Avoid doing excessive cardio

High intensity cardio can help increase muscle mass(not directly though), but doing too much cardio can burn your muscle mass. In the bulking stage, there is a need to preserve calories and exercise properly. Do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for 2-3 days in a week and pay more attention to weight training.

5. Lift just as heavy as you can with correct form and focus

Thumb rules for getting a lean body is that you have to lift as much heavy as you can with the right form and focus. If you can lift upto 50 kg with right form, then so be it. But lifting beyond your capability with zero focus and improper form is of no use. Click here to know more about Weight Training.
Lift only as heavy as you can and increase weight slowly (progressive overloading). Does that mean you should not push yourself? Absolutely not! Push yourself as hard as you can. But it is necessary that you maintain your form. 
To increase lean muscle mass, you have to pay more attention to your diet, because a perfect body consists of 70 percent diet and 30 percent workout.

Go Hard or Go Home


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